Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Not able to access classes in the App_Code folder in Visual Studio 2013

You might be wondering why my classes inside the App_Code folder is not accessible when you are trying to add reference in the code behind page. This is one of the common issue and the solution is very simple. Here in this article I will be helping you to resolve this issue.
To resolve this issue what you have to do is right click on the class file and then select the properties.

Once Click on the properties you will find an an option to change the Build Action. Just click on the Build Action dropdown to expand the options. Mostly by default it will be “Content”, you just need to change this to “Compile”.
Once you change the “Build Action” option to “Compile” build the solution and try to add the namespace, it will be available as soon as you type the first letter of the namespace…

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